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Noble Roots: Counselling & Yoga Therapy

Cairn : a structure of stacked rocks placed along a path to signify that you are on the right track.

Welcome to Noble Roots : Counselling and Yoga Therapy, where you can receive support while navigating your path.
It is common for people to reach out for counselling at a point in life where they feel stuck, unsure how to proceed. For many, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. One of the many benefits of professional counselling is gaining the perspective you require to find your way. Tiffani is dedicated to creating a comfortable and safe environment, and offering support for you to experience growth and ease in your life. You will receive confidential, non-judgemental support and guidance to face your challenges, no matter how big or small.
The integrative approach offered at Noble Roots will attend to any and all of your therapy goals. There is no time like the present to begin your journey.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
― Anais Nin
Tiffani is always on my team. She brings such warmth and care into every interaction. Tiffani is compassionate, holds no judgements, and is completely open to exploring any topic of conversation. As a person who identifies as queer, I truly value always feeling safe and heard within the space that we share.
Scope of Practice
Tiffani works with Individuals (18+) and Couples.
People seek counselling support for a multitude of reasons, and they are all valid. Some folks would like to deepen their knowing of themselves in order to make choices in life that are more congruent with who they really are. Some would like to cope with stress better and more sustainably. You might like to learn how to better support loved ones who are struggling. Or feel more ease in the presence of others. Maybe there are specific mental health issues you want to address. Or perhaps you would like to experience a greater sense of safety in your body and while moving through the world.
Learn more about what is possible with counselling support.

Contact Me
Should you like to know more about how Tiffani might attend to your specific cause for seeking therapy, please email her directly to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation. Or to begin your journey of personal growth as soon as possible, book your appointment now.
8978 Trattle Street
Fort Langley
British Columbia
This is an acknowledgement that Noble Roots is on the traditional lands of indigenous people. An acknowledgement that I live, work, learn and play on the unceded territories of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Matsqui, and Semiahmoo First Nations.

Everyone Welcome
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